FRYE WINS THE "Same ol' vs Bucket List vs Save the Day!" SPLATFEST✨💛⭐!
FRYE WINS THE "Same ol' vs Bucket List vs Save the Day!" SPLATFEST✨💛⭐!
If you go onto TikTok, you might see a post of Frye winning the fest. She hasn't won a fest in OVER A YEAR AGO! (spicy vs sweet vs sour, that was in Jan of 2023!) She won by a nail-biting 20 point difference, if she didn't win the tricolor points, she would've lost again!
*i say 3 bc, she won 2 in the NOA region (Team Sweet [1/7/23] & Team Bucket list [5/17/24]) and once in the Japan region (team Ōban-yaki [11/18/23])