Interviewer: Thank you for joining us, Gregory. We know it hasn’t been easy for you lately, and we appreciate your time. Let’s start with Minitoon.Jr. Can you tell us about how it all began?
Gregory: [Silence] ... Minitoon.Jr started as a passion project. We—██████—wanted to create something fun, something that would bring people together. It was never meant to—█████████—but over time, things changed. We saw a lot of success, but also... problems. Internal issues. Things that I—███████—can’t really talk about.
Interviewer: There have been rumors about tension among the developers. Would you say that played a role in what happened?
Gregory: I—███████—I can’t say much about that. Some people—███████—had different visions. There was a lot of pressure. And then... her.
Interviewer: Her? Are you referring to—
Gregory: Ava.
Gregory: She... she wasn’t always like that. We were happy once. I remember when we—YOU SHOULD NOT BE HERE—but things changed. She changed. Or maybe I changed. I don’t know anymore.
Interviewer: Gregory, are you alright?
Gregory: I tried to fix it. I did everything I could to keep it together. But she—ITS YOUR FAULT—she started acting different. She didn’t care anymore. The arguments, the drinking, the way she—HELPHELPHELP—it was like she was someone else.
Interviewer: What do you mean by that?
Gregory: I mean that Ava isn’t who you think she is.
Gregory: And if she ever gets out—HEISDEADHEISDEADHEISDEAD—then none of us are safe.