is it gay to kiss? I mean when you kiss a girl, you're literally kissing someone who kisses other men. Fellas! is it gay to see? I mean you're literally looking at other men. FEllas!! is it gay to drink water? I mean the male body is literally 70% water, so you're drinking other men. FELlas!!! is it gay to look in the mirror? I mean you're literally looking at a man's body. FELLas!!!! is it gay to wear clothes? I mean you're literally wearing something made by the men. FELLAs!!!!! is it gay to breathe? I mean you're literally breathing the same air as other men! FELLAS!!!!!! IS IT GAY TO LIVE?!?!? I MEAN YOU'RE LITERALLY LIVING ON A PLANET SURROUNDED BY OTHER MEN. FFEEEEELLAAAASSSSS-