The Subject 194 & Subject 194-B: The Puppeteer and Puppets Inglorious (for @Charles)
The Subject 194 & Subject 194-B: The Puppeteer and Puppets Inglorious (for @Charles)
Lore: The Puppeteer was a mask where if anything wore it, they will be mangled and torn apart to later then be rebuilt like a puppet, the host (shown in the picture) is the main puppeteer and once he/she catches their victims, they will tear them apart and mangle them to the point the body is unrecognizable, then they will drag the pieces to put them back together as a marionette on strings, the difference with the puppet and the puppeteer is that the Puppeteer has a faint worn out mask on them, if the mask were to be successfully taken off or destroyed, the host will return back to normal but not the victims, host can be changed if the mask thinks the host it’s possessing has done use for him, the mask chooses who to make a puppet or not, older hosts don’t count unless they resisted influence of the mask, the mask also has minions of its disposal shown in the second picture with them having sharp teeth and only one very visible eye, cutting the strings will also save the host from the mask’s influence, same goes for Puppet’s Inglorious, if the puppeteer can’t find a use of their new victim they will hang them for later uses and to cut out all life if they are even still alive