half-assed vent (in desc)
half-assed vent (in desc)
I'm terrified to come out to anyone other than my friends. Yeah, our school counsellor knows that I'm trans and that I'm not comfortable with her telling my parents, but that's about it. The other day, at the end of PE, one of the kids that I don't talk to (like 90% of the class lol) started asking some kids, that me and Toaster call "The Ryan Clones" if (and I quote) they supported LGBT. They all said no, and the kid responded with something along the lines of "Good" or "correct answer". At this point, I feel like if I'm openly gay and/or transgender next year or in high school, I'm gonna get flat-out murdered. The culture of the students is hateful and awful, and I can't tell my parents or therapist about any of this bullshit because then I would have to spell it out for them that I'm queer. I sometimes feel unsafe on here as well, as a member of the LGBTQ++ community AND the furry community. Specifically, this one post made by @StarMonsTer. They haven't posted on here for a while, but it still worries me. I'll link it in the comments (it's titled "do..you...agree?" and was posted 6 weeks ago).
I'm probably gonna take a break, I'm working on a new art style, which is inspired by KittenSneeze.