a lot of rambling that you don't have to read if you don't want to <3
but can I be like, real with ya'll for a sec-?
I haven't been feeling the best lately. Not just physically, but mentally as well. I had to go home because I had a boiling fever, and now I feel like shit both on the inside and out lol. And the cherry on top, i've been having problems with not just my parents, but my family in general. I love to draw, but have been thinking about taking a...more permanent break, y'know? I'm sure whatever happends, I'll be alright, and I have a trip to DC in a couple days. Maybe I'll finally be able to feel a little better once I'm out of my comfort zone...?
I have no idea what I'm talking about atp gang, I apologize. I'm like, mad uncomfortable rn (cause of the fever), and just been feeling down. I've just kinda been thinking a lot lately, but nothing serious :)
But anyways, anybody wanna talk on a talky? You don't have to ofc, I just kinda wanna talk to somebody, if that's okay :) (my stupid discord isn't working smh)
Also, to that one person that I share a chatzy with, I haven't been able to enter the chatzy since this morning,so I apologize if it seems like I haven't been answering you back.