Frauded (A Roblox Grace OC)
Frauded (A Roblox Grace OC)
Frauded is Grace's version of Dupe but way more harder, he is a run ender, his page is at the last page, the design is at the first page and the "WHOOPS! WRONG DOOR!" text will spam around for 10 seconds before ending the run (it's basically a remake of Litany and Dozer's jumpscare) with the sounds as the text start appearing being a mashup of Dozer's and Litany's jumpscare sound, he will spawn after Saferoom 6, he will start spawning as Vault Doors after Saferoom 7 and start spawning as Saferooms after Saferoom 8, his fan-made modifiers are as followed:
Fool me Once - Frauded will spawn after Saferoom 3 (+4%)
Locked Away - Frauded can spawn as the Vault Doors (+6)
Do Not Disturb - Frauded can spawn as Saferoom doors (+8%)
Keep Watch - Frauded can spawn as both Saferooms and Vault Doors (+9%)
Left on Snooze - Frauded will spawn more later in the run (-3%)
Am I Hallucinating? - Frauded will spawn more frequently (+7%)
Fraud Doors - Frauded now dupes even more frequently, can spawn as Vaults Doors and Saferooms Doors, spawns after the safe rooms the modifier was chosen, and will be more difficult to tell apart from the real door (+N/A%)
(that's a lot of typing, this was originally going to be different but I forgot to save to draft and my computer resetted so I took the time to redraw this and re-type this all :( I hope it was worth it, also this OC was originally going to be a character for more lore purposes but I decided to make a new OC since it has been a good while, also no I haven't taken a unannounced mini break from Minitoon I just couldn't figure out what to publish due to my insomnia and now scary rising habit of staying up until 2 AM and maybe past 3 AM, I'm also giving another peek at my lore book but it won't contain a bunch of drawings because I'm too tired to draw, I'll explain it more in a later post if I can)