Sokudo!! (haha look at this b!tch i found in my closet!!!)
Sokudo!! (haha look at this b!tch i found in my closet!!!)
Guh slight redesign and age change (32 --> 27)
IM BRINGING HIM BACK!!! (i need to stop neglecting my ocs oml) but uhhh Sokudo is a traffic enforcer (handcuffs are there because he ARRESTS people who don't follow laws NOT TO BE FREAKY.) he's still 6' 0.2" btw I just think the decimal point is silly
anyways Uhhh yeah I was searching through my closet to find my gambling stuff because GAMBLING 🤑💥❤️ and I found this (possibly maybe gay) bitch in there (Joseph Lights *cOUGH CouGh*)
also I love small details uhh in his pocket watch the time is showing when I finished the drawing itself in PST hehe
CAMEOS: Oscar/ detour sign by @WORMBOY
Joseph Lights/ stop lights by @Kaikai
(2nd page)