Just a poem for my ELA class
Just a poem for my ELA class
(we were supposed to write a poem describing colors and this is what my brain slapped me with)
The colors of life.
Red can be of many shades. The darker reds for the cruelness of the world around us, and the brighter reds for the very few peacemakers scattered about our cities.
Orange is for the flames in our hearts, burning with desires and passions only one can describe differently with each passing moment.
Yellow is for the sun that rarely shines during our hours of sorrow, drowning out any unwanted rain and cloudy skies.
Green is the grass that grows beneath our feet, shaping into the paths we make as we explore more of our world.
Blue is the water we drink, the water that is so soft and serene, yet strong enough to penetrate through mountains and earth.
Indigo is the berries we eat to survive, to live and thrive, even if only for a little as the world slowly decays and crumbles as we speak.
Violet is the flowers that grow in our gardens and the forests around us, emitting a beautiful scent that will soon be washed away when the earth falls into nothing.
Pink is the joy of a child, the laughter and playfulness they hold as they run carelessly, unaware of the unforgiving world that they live in.
Grey is the ashes of those who have fallen, those who have served in trying to make our world a better place, to make everything last longer.
Black is the heart of those who never got enough love and care, the heart of the many who have lost family and friends to the battles of anger and bloodlust.
White is the sky when everything ends.
All of these colors represent anything in life, whether it’s positive or negative, everything confides in something, and something confides in everything.