Glamrock Freddy/Freddy Fazbear
Glamrock Freddy/Freddy Fazbear
Showtime already? I am experiencing a malfunction. Who said that? My…stomach hatch? That place is reserved for oversized birthday cakes and piñatas! It is not a safe play area! There you are! Scanning complete. How odd. Your quest profile is unknown to me. Who are you? Gregory, hmm…I will notify the main office. Connection error. I cannot connect to the main network. Who? Who is looking for you? Your mother? That is the security guard. She can help! Here, take this. It is a novelty Freddy fazwatch! I am sending you an encoded message. Check your fazwatch! You are going to need a photo pass to open the door. Apologies, I assumed you had one already. Now, please come let me out. Way to go, superstar! I knew you could do it. She will never suspect we are traveling together. However, we should still do our best to avoid her. If I am sent back to my room, we will never get to the lobby before midnight. I feel that you are broken. No, I am taking you to the first aid station! Vannessa, I…I, I do not know how I got down here. I apologise. I said nothing. I will keep you safe. Let us go. We are now under the pizzaplex! These utility tunnels connect all the main attractions! They are all accessible to S.T.A.F.F., with high enough clearance, of course. I am terribly sorry. The recharge cycle had not yet completed when I found you. You must continue without me. I will guide you on your fazwatch. I am sorry, Gregory, I am in no condition to carry you. Why, though? Gregory, what are you doing?! I am your friend! Hey, superstars! It’s me, Freddy! Welcome to the Mega Pizzaplex! Grab a jumbo slice of pepperoni and top it off with an ice cold Fizzy Fazz! Then, enjoy our super games and attractions. Don’t forget to stop by Rockstar Row and meet me in person! Have fun and have a Fazzeriffic day! That was not me, that was a recording. I want to make sure you are not confused. Chica loves pizza! Jump down! Consider it a second wind. Vanessa! Do not leave me like this! Over here! How unfortunate. Oh, I am sorry, Gregory. I am…truly sorry. Do not panic. Try that terrible magnet you found. That is great news! I will meet you in the Daycare! The entrance is on the second floor balcony. (I hand-wrote all of this from memory TvT)
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