All the designs for my fake FNAF Trojan Virus idea (Hours Below the Surface)
All the designs for my fake FNAF Trojan Virus idea (Hours Below the Surface)
Taheb (seen in the first page) is a twisted and broken sea bunny almost to the point he looks like he’s a skin walker
Enathi (seen in the second page) is pretty much the same as Taheb but an axolotl variant, he is more faster and hostile than Taheb though
Thalolam (seen in the third page) is a algae covered skin walker, that’s it
Oathen (seen in the 4th page) is a hedgehog who doesn’t like to be looked at, he can’t tell if you looked at him via picture though
NWANiME (seen in the final page) is a haunted marionette/puppet that tears his victims apart and put them back together as marionettes/puppets