life matters - to a special someone and those who need it
life matters - to a special someone and those who need it
to everyone in general to know -- but most importantly, a special someone which we can guess.
Please -- never consider suicide an option or a way out of things -- It's a permanent solution to temporary problems.
Take a moment to appreciate the things around you, the small things. The talents you have, how you are unique, your friends, loved ones, even loved animals or cherished items. Those talents and people make you who you are, and you don't want to leave that all behind, because the world would feel a bit blanker and duller without you. Try to focus on the positive, not the negative. Focus on the kind actions of others, the kind actions of you, every little thing matters the most. You are important, every single one of you. You all matter, are cared for, even if you do not notice. Please, be aware of that. I love you all, too <3
When all hope is lost and things get rough -- think of it as a test. Think of it as a challenge, you can get through it- even if it takes days, weeks, or even months. Get through the rough times, and things WILL get better, trust me. Like, REALLY trust me on this one. Those rough times are temporary, just know. When you feel as if you can't take it anymore -- focus on what makes you happy. Please, notice and be more aware of every little good thing. Thank you.