bday post
AHHH Happy birthday Sukiie/Priyan !!!! I just wanted to take a second to tell you how incredibly proud I am of you. Over the time we've been friends and talked, I've realized just how incredible you are. It has been SUCH a blessing to be even considered your friend. Your kindness is truly inspiring. You always know how to light up a room and make everyone around you feel special. You've probably had a big impact on many lives, including mine. Ever since you came into my life, I was so happy to find someone with the same interests as me. You're a very fun person to talk to when we can. Your ability to stay positive and keep pushing forward no matter what is something I deeply admire. It's not just your achievements that make me proud though, it's the person you are inside and out. You are so, so talented as well, sometimes I'll occasionally check your account, lol. You're art is AMAZINGLY good and your writing is absolutely heavenly. When I first your writing I literally was thinking, "Wow, the vocab in this is super good and well written." As you celebrate this special day (hopefully), know that you have so many people who love and support you. I'm beyond grateful to be able to call you my friend. May this year bring all the happiness you deserve. Happy birthday once again, love you. <3