here yall go
In the beginning Sprout was just a child, of course. Sprout had a brother named Manic, and a sister named [REDACTED].
But in the beginning there was way more going on then just a sweet family. There were snakes and plants. See, now, with the snakes and the plants there was a war that had been going on for years now. Sprouts dad, he was a snake. As for Sprouts mom, she was a plant. An unlikely couple, really, yet it happened. Between the plants and the snakes there was something they both wanted. Power. In the war Manic turns against his family, being angry that he was the only full blood snake besides his father, seeing himself as better. These things had manic choose against his sister, brother, and mother.
Sprout was just a young boy when the war started. He was a sweet lively boy who loved his parents and siblings. Him and his sister [REDACTED] were the closest of siblings, they did everything together. Manic distanced himself from them all. Manics distancescared Sprout, he would often try to check on him causing Manic to lash out on him. Once Sprout started school he met a boy named lucifer. Sprout and Lucifer were best friends. They hung out everyday after school and when Sprout got older his dad started to not like this, they were too close in his personal opinion. For a period of time Sprouts father would not let him see Lucifer unless in school, causing Sprout to sneak and see him.
Leading into Sprouts adulthood he joined the war. As the fight continued he stayed on Lucifers side the entire time. One day during an attack he comes face to face with Manic, they fight for a while and this fight ends with Sprout missing an eye and Manic missing a piece of his tail. After leaving for a while Lucifer and Sprout married. This marriage lasted 3 years before a divorce because Sprout was choosing himself over their love for eachother. These events caused Lucifer to turn against Sprout and fight against him rather than with him. These are the current events of Sprouts life