I thought i could trust you.
I thought i could trust you.
thought i could trust you guys, i opened up to you, and for what? for everyone to end up turning the other way when i'm gone, laughing at me.
Since you can't delete your comments off of my posts (thank god) i'll be airing out your dirty laundry
Dear manga fourty something.
I called that guy those names because he was uploading NSFW art to a platform full of minors and refused to delete it. you're no better, you did the same thing.
also, i think you telling people about what turns me on (considering the fact that i'm 14) is super creepy. you should be ashamed of yourself.
Dear elizebeth
i never knew you, soooo... bye i guess.
Dear noah
you banned me because you got offended i told you not to tell others to "delete yourself from the gene pool" and i told you not to joke about orphans. i told you to drop it, but you kept going, and banned me saying "he wouldn't drop it".
also i went on my alt account to tell the poor souls living under your dictatorship that you're banning people you don't like, which was the case with me.
Dear wormboy
if you want me off of minitoon for good, i'll leave. this community is hardly worth any effort i could put into it.