@ArandomPersonYouHavnetMet Yeah.. and the worst part is, WHO WILL HER TEACHERS BE. I told Mrs. Evans, Miss(or MRS). Wadhwani, Mrs. Pham, maybe Mrs. Nguyen, and maybe Mr. Leorio about Kaitlyn so they can watch out for her lies
@ArandomPersonYouHavnetMet I hope she doesn't, because I don't want you, Aimay, Max, and the others to be the next victims.. We also have evidence of Kaitlyn's lies though, Marinella is one of my friends from Plavan and she'll be coming too, Marinella would never do such a thing.
@AaliyahUnknown Remember that one post she did revealing that you go to Masuda? She also put a few others and Aimay in there... I saw it (she didn't put me tho-)
@ArandomPersonYouHavnetMet I almost forgot Kaitlyn has a supporter, it's SpecialUwUQueenAgain, it's a supporter.
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