(IMPORTANT READ DESC) a lil something i worked on...
(IMPORTANT READ DESC) a lil something i worked on...
may nmw rest... in peace :c
i hate to tell you all this but- she said she wont do it but now this on ibis? her acc- well, all nmw's work is gone with no trace, not even a pfp- im so sorry guys... i tried so hard to keep her- im sorry for not telling you guys sooner... i just- i don't know... i was going to wait a few days just in case she came back but- no... no trail of her-anywhere- im so so sorry to bring this to you all... i wanted to wait off so i could also break it to my (irl) friends and didnt know when bc we just started school back up from spring break- im so so so sorry- ive already told like 3 ppl (asin,hannie,and applecider) im so sorry... i tried stopping her the first time she tried and i managed to keep her alive but this time was different- she wasnt going to change her mind- im sorry, im so so sorry...